As a Finance Coach I can help you organize your expenses and income then come up with a plan to help you save thousands of dollars a year and come up with a plan to invest those savings. I’ll teach you how to understand the interest rates you’re paying on credit cards, student loans, car loans, and other loans and if you should pay more toward those loans or invest more into retirement, life insurance, health insurance, car insurance, savings account, emergency savings, stock market, etc.
As a Career Coach I can help you identify what jobs you’d be good at and or what jobs you’d enjoy. Then I can help you weigh your options to find a balance between the job that you can maximize your income and maximize your enjoyment. I help you update your resume to highlight your strengths and prepare you for interviews so you’ll be confident that you’re the right person for the job and that you’d maker it really hard for employers not to hire you.
As a Relationship Coach I can help you with any relationships negatively effecting your health from your romantic partner, family relationships, friendships, coworkers, etc. If you are single and looking for a relationship I can help show you all the ways you can find dates, how to attract a partner, and how to date in a way that develops a lasting relationship. Communication, cooperation, and understanding are key to healthy relationships and I can teach you how to improve all three keys while identifying other areas you can improve.
As a Behavior Coach I can help you change your behaviors to make healthier decisions to relieve stress, reduce conflict, improve time management, be more productive, and so much more. A Behavior Coach is for all ages. If you have a child that needs to improve their behavior at school and or at home then I’m the Life Coach for you. Before I was a Life Coach I was a teacher for 6 years and before that I was a Behavior Coach for at risk youth in JCPS. I’m a Life Coach for Teens, Life Coach for adolescents/Life Coach for Kids.
As an Emotion Coach I can help you identify the onset and triggers for your emotions and how to control your emotions so they work for you instead of against you. A lot of people think Emotional Coaching is just a parenting technique. It is a parenting technique but if you never received this type of coaching as a child then you can benefit from emotional coaching as an adult. We all need to learn how to control our emotions no matter how old we are.
As an Mental Coach I can help you identify the negative thoughts and beliefs that are controlling your mental health and if they’re controlling your thoughts then they’re also controlling your emotions and your behaviors. Mental coaches are most commonly for athletes and any type of competitive career or environment. The key to changing your thoughts is focus and motivation. I’ll help you find your focus and your passion that will become your motivation. I’ve created the 4F’s to find your focus and motivation- Fear, Frustration, or Fortune. We normally think we need a reward(fortune) to motivated it’s but for some people they need to find intrinsic motivation through frustration, but not sadness which can become depression and hold you back. Fear can be a healthy motivator like being afraid of dying of lung cancer like a relative so you quite smoking.
Promise Life Coach
11727 Beacon Court Louisville KY 40299