Life Coach Health Coach Relationship Coach Online and in Person
I Promise to find your Promise in Life. I offer Online Life Coaching (aka Virtual Life Coach) with video chat sessions.

I Promise to find your Promise in Life. I offer Online Life Coaching (aka Virtual Life Coach) with video chat sessions.
Why me? Why not a different Life Coach or a Therapist? Because I’m the one stop shop that includes all the services you need. I don’t specialize in just one aspect of Life Coaching. I am a Life Coach but I prefer the title Health Coach a little more because Life Coaches help you improve one or more dimensions of your health so a Life Coach is really coaching someone to improve their Health. And I use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that helps you quickly identify and leap over your hurdles. Exercise and Heathy Eating are always highly recommended by doctor's, scientists, and therapists, so it’s a good thing I’m also an experienced Personal Trainer with all 5 Star Reviews online for my Personal Training Business Delivered Fitness.
Whatever you want to improve or change in your life will require you to improve or change one or more dimensions of your health. Do you want a Life Coach to help you change your emotional reactions to challenges? Then you would need a Health Coach like me that understands Emotional Health. Do you want a Life Coach to improve the way you think? Do you tend to overthink situations that causes you too much stress and wastes a lot of your time and energy? Do you have trouble thinking clearly about challenges or shut down when you should be learning how to think creatively? This requires a Health Coach that understands Mental Health. I am a Certified Health Coach that can help you improve all dimensions of your health. And unlike a traditional Certified Life Coach with an online certification I have a 4 Year degree in Health and Health Education while some Life Coaches can get certified online in just a few days.
I created a Health Assessment that helps me and you understand all of your potential challenges and then it helps us focus on which dimensions of health are holding you back the most. This focus will save you valuable time and energy. Instead of making small changes that don’t last I’ll help you make big changes that last a lifetime because we’ll be focusing on the dimensions of your health that are having the worst overall impact on all your dimensions of health.
For instance if you want to improve your work life (be more productive, get promoted, change employers or careers, etc.) but your fight or flight response kicks in all the time and you fly away from your problem then I can’t create lasting change by coaching you through a specific project. I have to help you change your flight or fight response. This means improving your Emotional Health. Kinda like teaching you how to fish instead of just giving you a fish.
Hiring a Life Coach can be a big decision so I’d like to offer you a free 30min phone or video consultation to answer any of your questions
Financial Coaching, Career Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Behavior Change, Emotional Coach, Mental Coach.
Business Naming, Business Web Address, Business Keywords, SEO Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Accounting.
Social Health, Occupational Health, Mental Health, Emotional Health, Physical Health, Environmental Health, Spiritual Health.
Promise Life Coach
11727 Beacon Court Louisville KY 40299