How can a Life Coach improve my health? What is a Health Coach? What does it mean to be healthy? What do I have to do to be healthy? Is health just about physical health like my fitness and Nutrition? Can you be physically healthy but still very unhealthy? The answers to these questions require us to learn about all the dimensions of our health. When we talk about our health we normally only talk about 1 dimension of our health which is our physical health but there are actually 7 dimensions to our overall health and each dimension influences one another.
1) Social
2) Occupational
3) Mental
4) Emotional
5) Physical
6) Environmental
7) Spiritual
To remember all seven dimensions I created an acronym. If you asked people what they needed to get healthy they might say “SOME PE Supplies.” If you look above at the seven dimensions of health you’ll see that they create the acronym “SOME PE Supplies.” So when clients tell me they just want to get healthy I have to ask them which dimension of health do they need to improve. They don’t normally know the correct answer so I guide them through a series of questions to determine which dimensions of health are causing the most problems in their lives. Since most people are never taught the seven dimensions of health then they don’t have any idea what’s actually considered to be optimal physical health. For instance did you know that bodybuilders have lower Life expectancies and that marathon runners, triathletes, and ultra marathon runners get more respiratory infections and also have lower Life expectancies thank the average American? And the average American Life expectancy is only about 73 years old. I don’t consider the average Life expectancy to be healthy when there are so many blue zones around the world with large populations of centenarians that live over 100 years old and that is not genetics it’s their similar lifestyles that determine their long lives. Most centenarians rate very highly on every dimension of health.
So, when I Coach clients to improve their health I don’t use norms our averages, I show them the science behind longevity of live and minimizing illness and disease to live a very prosperous Life. A lot of social media posts ask the question would you rather live a very boring but long Life or an exciting but short Life? The problem with this question is that it’s designed to influence you to choose risky unhealthy behaviors that due in fact lower your live expectancy. But in fact you can choose both. As your Life Coach I will show you how to live a guilt free life so you know you’re eating and exercising the scientifically proven way to live to 100 while living a happy fulfilled Life instead of constantly chasing the next big high that ends of costing you more money than you can afford which keeps you in the never ending cycle of working harder and longer hours than your body can sustain long term.
Promise Life Coach
11727 Beacon Court Louisville KY 40299